Saudi Arabia and Iran refused to allow Pakistan missions to hold public events

2 min readOct 29, 2020


Saudi Arabian Peninsula and Persia, the Sunni and sect shoulders of Islam, refused to permit Asian nation missions to carry public events to look at the twenty seven Oct day of Jammu and Kashmir’s accession to Bharat as a Black Day, a departure from previous years that signals Pakistan’s shifting equations in West Asia.

People accustomed to the matter same the Pakistan embassy in Iran had projected an occurrence in Teheran University to observe what it’s referred to as a Black Day. however Tehran shocked capital of Pakistan once it communicated its refusal to allow the event. The embassy later settled for a webinar, clearly a symbol of Imran Khan government’s growing desperation for its failure to garner support over India’s cancellation of Article 370 in Kashmir.

Islamabad’s plans to carry a public event within the Pakistani diplomatic building in capital of Saudi Arabia were conjointly blocked by the dominion of Saudi Arabia.

People accustomed to the matter same the modification in stance adopted by 2 influential Moslem countries could be a reflection of Pakistan’s equations within the Middle East, in massive live a fallout of its growing partnership with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who is making an attempt to determine Turkey’s prominence in the Middle East. Quite just like the Turkish Empire that dominated the region for five hundred years before being pushed back.

Prime Minister Imran Khan and Turkey’s Erdogan are partnering to create a brand new radical Moslem axis as opposition the established Sunni order crystal rectifier by Asian nation and sect order led by Iran.

The 2 radical axis countries — Malaysia, who below Mahathir prophet was a part of this new axis, has currently taken a back seat — conjointly created public their opposition to the United Arab Emirates establishing full diplomatic relations with Israel. Pakistan’s statement was a lot of muted, as long as it’s still within the method of shifting sides, however Erdogan’s 1st reaction was an endeavor across the bow. He vulnerable to interrupt off relations with UAE.

But the freshly-minted partnership has its downside. Riyadh’s refusal to permit the Kashmir event was one. Saudi Arabia’s call earlier this year to demand that capital of Pakistan in real time repay a $ three billion loan once Pakistan secretary of state crowned head Mahmood Qureshi tried to shame the royal kingdom into holding ministerial-level meet to debate revocation of Article 370 was another. Analysts believe Imran Khan had bitten off over he may chew and eventually had to send Army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa to cool tempers in Riyadh. information Bajwa didn’t get the meeting with Saudi prince prophet bin Salman that capital of Pakistan had hoped for however is believed to possess helped paper over the deep cracks within the relationship.




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