Iran’s Rouhani says ‘ball in US court’ over nuclear dispute

2 min readJan 20, 2021


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani urged US President-elect Joe Biden on Wednesday to return to a 2015 nuclear deal and lift crippling sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

Biden, who takes office on Wednesday, has said the United States will rejoin the pact that includes restrictions on Iran’s nuclear work if Tehran resumes strict compliance.

“The ball is in the US court now. If Washington comes to Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal, we’ll additionally absolutely respect our commitments below the pact,” Rouhani aforementioned during a televised cupboard meeting.

“Today, we tend to expect the incoming United States of America administration to return to the rule of law and commit themselves, and if they can, within the next four years, to get rid of all the black spots of the previous four years,” he said.

Tensions have adult between Tehran and Washington since 2018, once US President Donald Trump exited the deal between Iran and 6 world powers that wanted to limit Tehran’s nuclear program and forestall it developing atomic weapons. Washington reimposed sanctions that have halting Iran’s economy.

Iran, that denies ever seeking nuclear arms, retaliated to Trump’s “maximum pressure” policy by step by step breaching accord. Tehran has repeatedly aforementioned it will quickly reverse those violations if United States of America sanctions are removed.

Antony Blinken, Biden’s selection for secretary of state, said on weekday the u. s. wouldn’t take a fast call on whether or not to rejoin the pact.

“US President Donald Trump’s political career is over these days and his ‘maximum pressure’ policy on Iran has fully failed,” Rouhani said. “Trump is dead however the nuclear deal continues to be alive.”




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